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The Alameda County Board of Supervisors is a governing body made up of five members who oversee a $4.6 billion budget. The supervisors are tasked with making decisions regarding our health care systems, child welfare, public safety, land use in unincorporated county, and many more social services. It's critical that we elect leaders like John Bauters who have local experience and an in-depth understanding of how to best address the root causes of the issues facing Alameda County. You can read more about his vision for Alameda County below: 



Working as a crime victims’ advocate for over a decade, John has fought to secure justice for those affected by trauma and violence. As Supervisor, he is committed to partnering with law enforcement, small business owners, and community-based organizations to restore public safety and will proactively combat violent crime, retail theft, and smash-and-grab robberies.

First responders in Alameda County are devastatingly understaffed and under-resourced, contributing to our public safety crisis. John will hire more firefighters, paramedics, and dispatchers, in order to improve 911 emergency response times. In addition to investing in shorter emergency response times, John will invest in gun buyback programs to get illegal guns off our streets, strengthen red flag laws to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals and keep gun stores away from schools and parks.

John is the only candidate for Supervisor endorsed by local firefighters — because they know he will make our communities safer. John is also a designated "Gun Sense Candidate" by Moms Demand Action for his support of policies that reduce gun violence in our community.


During his time in Emeryville, John spearheaded the voter-approved measure to secure $50 million to build local affordable housing. His tireless efforts on housing issues have helped make Emeryville one of the only Bay Area cities to meet their housing production goals and ensure families can afford to stay here.

Now John is fighting to produce, preserve, and protect affordable housing county-wide. As Supervisor, John will cut red tape to expedite affordable housing development and tackle Alameda County’s shortage. He'll work to strengthen protection for renters and create pathways to homeownership for working-class families. That's why affordable housing advocates at Housing Action Coalition, East Bay YIMBY, and East Bay 4 Everyone strongly support John for Supervisor.

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John experienced housing insecurity as a young adult, relying on a boarding house for affordable housing. Because of this experience, he spent a decade providing nonprofit services to people experiencing homelessness. He used that expertise on the Emeryville City Council to help reduce homelessness in the city by 79% since 2019.

As Supervisor, John will create more shelters with expanded services for mental health and substance use, so we can end encampments, bring people indoors and get them the care they need. He will expedite the implementation of California’s CARE Courts in Alameda County, to help get unhoused people with severe mental health issues off our streets and connected with housing and treatment.


Emeryville has the highest minimum wage in the nation, alongside a thriving small business community. John has worked closely with small businesses and workers to help ensure that everyone can share in the prosperity of a thriving local business economy. John helped implement paid sick leave and helped pass a ballot measure supported by local businesses and labor unions to permanently fund childcare for working families.



Under John Bauters’ leadership, Emeryville has become a model for walkable, bike-friendly, and transit-oriented living. He has helped transform Emeryville by cleaning up the streets, strengthening safe routes to schools, and helping the local art, restaurant, and small business community thrive. Last year, John led the effort to adopt a Countywide Bikeways Plan – a 400 mile connected network of safe bicycle infrastructure, the first ever for the county.

John now aims to bring this vision to the Board of Supervisors, ensuring all of Alameda County benefits from cleaner streets, safer neighborhoods, and accessible and environmentally friendly transportation options.


John Bauters served as chair on the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board, and received the inaugural Visionary Award from the SF Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club for championing some of the nation’s strongest refinery emission regulations. As our Supervisor, John will continue working to ensure clean air and water for our communities and make Alameda County a national leader in the fight against climate change. That’s why he’s endorsed by environmental advocates like the Sierra Club and 350 Bay Area Action.

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